Whether you are a nursing hopeful looking to stand out or a career nurse committed to moving forward, there are many things you can do to improve your opportunities. These include pursuing specialty certifications and taking advantage of networking opportunities.

One way to advance your nursing career is by earning a bachelor’s degree. An online RN to BSN program can help you reach your academic and professional goals.


Increase Your Salary

When you earn a BSN, you gain the opportunity to advance your career in the healthcare industry. You can also explore specialty certifications, which help broaden your professional opportunities and enhance your resume.

When choosing an online RN to BSN program at La Salle University, consider its curriculum focus and how it aligns with your goals. A quality curriculum will teach you advanced nursing concepts and theories, enabling you to improve patient outcomes and make a difference in medicine.

Cost is another essential factor when selecting an RN to BSN program. Returning to school can be expensive, and many nurses avoid the decision altogether because of financial concerns. However, resources such as grants, scholarships, and student loans are available to offset the cost of an RN-to-BSN program. Most RN-to-BSN programs offer part-time enrollment options, making managing school and work commitments easier.

Advance Your Career

RN-to-BSN programs like ABS programs online can give you the skills and knowledge to advance your career. This could include pursuing specialty certifications, applying for leadership roles, or becoming a nurse educator.

Having a BSN also prepares you for graduate school, should that be something you want to do in the future. In addition, many employers and states require a bachelor’s degree in nursing for certain positions.

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Another benefit of an online RN to BSN is the convenience and flexibility. Depending on your program, you can complete the coursework from home or work, making it easy to fit your education into your busy schedule. You also have the option to attend class full-time or part-time, making managing your commitments even easier. This is especially beneficial for RNs who are already working full-time. This means they can earn their degrees without leaving their current jobs or taking a massive pay cut.

Get More Job Opportunities

Increasingly, hospitals and doctors’ offices are expressing a preference for nurses with BSNs. This is especially true of positions that require leadership skills or participation in policy-making affecting patient care. A BSN prepares nurses for those types of career advancement opportunities as well as for future graduate programs that lead to advanced nursing roles like nurse practitioner or nurse midwife.

If you’re feeling stuck in your current job or want more variety and freedom in your work, a BSN can help. This higher degree can lead to more job opportunities and even allow you to negotiate a higher salary than your current position allows.

Learn More

As nurses, we keep a constant balance between our professional lives and our personal lives. We also have to do this when it comes to our education. Nursing is a hands-on profession, and our learning experiences must be practical, too.

An online RN to BSN program can help with this. It gives nurses with an associate degree or a diploma in nursing (ADN) the opportunity to earn their bachelor’s degree through an online program fully accredited.

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Online offers a five-semester, entirely online, RN to BSN degree that prepares registered nurses with an ADN or a diploma in nursing to meet the growing demands of the healthcare industry. With flexible course schedules, clinical experiences, and the option to pay-by-course, this program helps nurses advance their careers — on their terms. It’s a good fit for RNs who want to increase their salary potential, enhance their career options, and become leaders in the nursing field.