Do you know what are the advantages of virtual classrooms?


Technology has changed the world. Thanks to her, man has developed tangible and intangible products that have improved his quality of life. Therefore, it has entered the educational area acting as a viable means to carry out a teaching and learning process for those students who cannot move to a specific place or require different time for training.

In this regard, it is worth highlighting the importance of virtual classrooms as a different alternative for education, understanding this as the non-physical space where an interaction between teacher and student with educational intentions occurs. Within this process, communication plays a relevant role, since it is the factor that leads to achieving an understanding between the parties involved, thus promoting the interaction that is needed.

Supporting these ideas, López (s / f), defines a virtual classroom as:

An innovative educational resource that allows the teacher and student to access and make use of various means such as chat, web pages, discussion forums, blogs, data repositories, wikis, etc; all this in order to carry out activities that lead to learning.

From the above, it follows that virtual classrooms tend to be an innovative resource due to the capacity they possess to be used as a cohesion element for different technological tools that influence and determine that the training process can proceed normally.

For their part, Cruz and Medina (2017), establish that a virtual classroom associated with new technologies offers didactic contents developed with elements of multimedia characteristics, that is, the integration of text, audio, and video. Likewise, the authors express that when it is an educational process, the name of virtual classroom should change to virtual course, since there the necessary elements are established to involve the student in active participation, with the teacher in charge of generating resources and content. that are of interest to you.

Nowadays, some virtual classrooms are supported by educational platforms such as the LMS (Learning Management System). For Verdún (2016), educational platforms are those “whose main characteristics are the use of a computer network or other multimedia distributions, as well as the multiplicity of mini resources and technological applications (mindtools) that incorporate new interactive possibilities and access to various technological devices. ” (p. 77)

In themselves, virtual learning environments are computer programs used for training that make use of virtual spaces or virtual classrooms to implement there a series of didactic contents and strategies that allow the student to carry out a teaching process with different modalities from the traditional training.

Advantages of virtual classrooms

Among the advantages of virtual classrooms are the following:

    • They promote the self-learning of the students. Under the theory of constructivism, virtual classrooms provide the necessary resources for the student to create their own knowledge using the necessary tools.
    • Based on the constructivist theory, virtual classrooms promote collaborative and cooperative work.
  • Avoid the displacement of students and teachers towards a training meeting place.
  • It provides another alternative to teaching different from the traditional one.
  • Both students and teachers can access resources from anywhere.

According to Camacho (s / f), there are several types of virtual classrooms focused mainly on two general aspects: classical and those related to Information Technology and Management for the Knowledge Society (TISGC) . This is how the classic virtual classrooms are subdivided into:

– Informative: This name is assigned to virtual classrooms where communication is one-way, that is, it acts as a repository showing information from the teacher. In this type of virtual classroom, use is made of printed texts and manuals where the participant has access for consultation. Classroom design is contemplated by behavioral theory. The activities are asynchronous and with support for the classroom. Use of the Internet 1.

-Co municacionales : In this type of classroom communication takes place bi-directionally. In this way, forums, chats and email are started and applied. On the other hand, there is the support of printed texts and use of the Internet 1.

-Link: Web 2.0 is developed, elearning platforms appear, use of manuals and online tutoring.

– Expositives: Web 3.0 is developed, video, audio and animation are introduced as a form of support, using interactive manuals.

– Interactives: Web 4.0 and 5.0 development, application of interactive video and social networks. Inclusion of mlearning processes.

Regarding Information Technologies and Management for the Knowledge Society (TISGC) , the subdivision is as follows:

– Iconographic classrooms: It is developed based on the appearance of web 6.0. Web content is standardized and educational activities are integrated. At the same time, there is a balance of dynamic content and use is made of mobile devices and the generation of knowledge.

– Metaphorical classrooms : This type of classroom is based on educational metaphors. The PACIE 5.0 model is applied. Visual and multimedia impact is generated.

– Fourth generation classrooms : In this type of virtual classrooms, the iconographic classrooms are integrated with the metaphorical classrooms, creating greater visual attraction. Classrooms are usually interactive.  

– Immersive classrooms: Classrooms based on three dimensions. Interaction through avatars. 3D educational objects, synchronous and telepresence activities.

– Generative classrooms: Impact of augmented reality. Web 6.0 domain, use of mobile applications.

– Expansive classrooms: Mastery of holographic technology. Use of web 7.0 devices. Use of augmented reality.

            In fact, today, virtual classrooms are considered an alternative for education because they usually bring positive benefits that are increased through the use of Information and Communication Technologies. In this sense, the characteristics of virtual classrooms linked to the flexibility of time and space, as well as their advantages, make them become an opportunity for all those who want to obtain knowledge in a different way than traditional education. 



More motivating cards to Gamify the class

Three years ago I started with the gamification cards in which the students earned them thanks to the viewing of videos on EDPuzzle . Many of you know the first cards that I made in Canva and that I shared with you. For my students they have been a total success, as many were encouraged to work for these rewards that mean a lot to them.

This course I have worked with motivational cards, along with my roommate Rocío Martín Sala who also uses the cards. In addition, we decided to implement the Flipped Classroom also in 1st ESO.

Motivating the Flipped Classroom with gamification

This made us suddenly find ourselves one day without cards. All the students got them for their good grades and we had to deliver more cards and we didn’t have any left. The students give them back to us, but we reached a point where we were not left to give more in any of the courses.

It was there when I told Rocío to make more cards, but instead of making the same ones, to design new ones. For this I did a survey with my students, in which they made me proposals for rewards for the new cards, in this way I got more ideas for the new cards, which come to cover the rewards they wanted to obtain in my subject.

The new rewards of motivational cards

These new cards, in addition to the ones you have already created, cover the following rewards:

  • I can eat in class.
  • I have one more day to watch the videos.
  • It is worth one more point in the blog post.
  • I can deliver the notebook a day late.
  • Pass to go to the bathroom.
  • I tell you the questions to upload the exam if you do not know them.
  • I can deliver the project portfolio one day late.
  • I have 0.5 more on the written exam.

If you want to know more about how I work with my blind students and the flipped classroom with these cards, you can read this post. And you? Have you already dared to make your own cards to motivate the students in class ? Tell me in the comments what rewards you use in your classroom and that way we get richer!

5 reasons education is the key to a better job and a better future


Quality education is the yellow brick road to success, financial stability, and social appreciation. As the world recovered from the 2008-9 economic recession, a lot of new jobs opened up in the market and are continuing to do so.

From the 11.6 million jobs that have been created, over 11.5 million required a post-secondary education along with certification and credentials. These statistics are clear evidence for the layperson to understand the significance of education to the labor market and the world economy in the next few years.

Despite the multiple claims made by the postmodern sociologists and the advocates of flexible lifestyles and skill-based freelancing, the significance of proper education cannot be denied or defied.

From a scholarly perspective, education is the first form of secondary socialization for children. It is the basis upon which a child, as absorbent as a dry sponge, learns about life at large. The benefits of a good education are not restricted to the knowledge or skills gained in class.

The influence of education is reflected in the individual’s persona, behavior, the way they carry themselves, and the way they view life. Education does not only ensure financial stability, but it also teaches students to remain perseverant and arduous to their chores.

If you are a new parent, the responsibility of finding an appropriate institute to initiate your child’s education is a significant decision. As a parent, you would want to choose what is best for your kid, and we understand that. 

However, deciding the entire course your child’s education requires a lot of diligence and consideration. Whatever choice you will make here as a parent will go a long way into deciding the future life for your child.

Therefore, to help our readers make to most-informed decision, our dedicated team of writers has curated a list of benefits that reveal how education is the key to a better job and future. This list is set to bring light to the extent of substance this decision holds upon your child’s future.

Ensures proper socialization of a person

The socialization of a human being plays a critical role in defining their social position and overall chances of life. From cooing in a mother’s lap to shaking hands with the University’s Chancellor while taking your degree, you have necessarily undergone a vital process of socialization that has taught you who ‘you’ are.

When an individual seeks education, they broaden their horizons to the diversity the world holds. It helps an individual learn to immerse themselves into dreams.  Your education will teach you how you speak, carry yourself, dress up, and the values you hold dear.

These are the essential elements that define a person. So, to be a responsible citizen, an efficient alumnus of an institution, and a revered individual of the society, a good education is necessary.

The key here is that an employer will not just see your grades when they hire you. They assess you on your attitude, behavior, and sense of self and surroundings. There is a reason why there is a behavior analyst on every recruitment panel.

Enables you to contribute to the greater good

When children in a school play in sports and participate in theatre and science fairs, they tend to learn the essence of life—teamwork. School teaches an individual that they may be able to go fast on their own, but if they wish to get ahead in life, they must contribute to the greater good.

It helps them learn that small contributions on their part can help the whole team and all of humanity move forward in the right direction. School teaches the individual to be conscious of their surroundings.

Whether it is the impact of their carbon footprint on the environment or it is the triple shift of work faced by women, this cosmic awareness is essential to the development of better prospects in terms of employment.

Motivates you to keep striving for your goals

There are many times during one’s academic years that they feel like abandoning their education because of the monotony and strenuous effort it requires to complete semesters. 

What may seem like a burden at that time, is actually a part of the hidden curriculum that is used to teach the significance of hard work and strife. Education leads the students to believe that a rough road leads to the stars.

When an educated individual comes face-to-face with the challenges of real life, they are better prepared to take them heads on. It is because the education they received taught them never to give up and to believe that they can do everything they put their mind to.

Provides the skills necessary to diversify channels of income 

Because education does not limit the skills to a single subject, it enables the person to be open to learning at all stages of life.

Whether it is working two jobs at once, starting a business, or even learning to freelance at 47, a qualified individual will find a way to land a good job, while also using their other skills to find a parallel source of income.

You might have attended the best private elementary school in Bay Area, CA, or your certifications might show that you were educated at a prestigious school in Manhattan, NY. But, if your skillset is rigid, it will be hard for you to succeed in professional life.

It is crucial to learn more than what is being taught at school. The world we are stepping into will prefer those who bring more than one skill to the table. Therefore, you must diversify your skillset. It will only help you in the future.

Becomes a whetstone for an individual’s intellect

Education helps an individual to find their ground and meanings in life. It helps them hone, not just the skills that will be their bread butter but also helps them nourish their intellect.

There is no doubt in the fact that a well-read, intellectual individual has far better chances in the sphere of employment, than an average student with just a degree and no other accomplishments.

Final thoughts

A person without a good education is like an invisible existence in the fast-paced, digital world. In a time where competition is crucial and financial prospects are limited, it is evident that education can help tremendously.

From learning how to behave in an interview to learning how to carry out the job itself, a good education teaches you everything. 

We hope that this article has helped you understand why choosing the right school for your child since their elementary years is an optimal choice. Please let us know your views in the comments below. We would love to know your take on the subject.

Do you know the Flipped Classroom Model?


The Flipped Classroom model or inverted classroom model is an innovative methodology that changes the way traditional teaching and learning processes are carried out. In the traditional classroom, in general, the teacher presents ideas on a particular topic so that later it is the students who reinforce that topic at home, counting on the support of materials provided by the teacher himself or those obtained by his own incentive. the students.

In the particular case of the Flipped Classroom model , the process is reversed. This is how the student becomes an active agent, since he is obliged to investigate, know and understand the contents of the subject before the moment of class, leaving the classroom only to clarify doubts, discuss the subject or generate collaborative projects.

Supporting these ideas, Perdomo (2016) points out that “this model seeks to reverse the roles and functions of the traditional classroom, that is, that more personalized processes are carried out at home based on the development of activities that would be carried out in a traditional model in classes… ”(p. 2)

Furthermore, the same author mentions that “… the extra-class space becomes the autonomous place for the study of the determined lessons” (p. 2)

From this aspect, this different system from the traditional one, brings as a consequence an innovative and different method, where the student becomes the main protagonist of their learning, building their own knowledge in a similar way to how it happens in the training process in virtual classrooms. In turn, the fact that students advance at home allows classes in the classroom to be more enjoyable, participatory and with the possibility of offering a system that allows for deepening knowledge based on existing knowledge. In addition, it motivates students and invites them to investigate using a variety of materials that meet their training needs.

5 Google tools for teachers


These tools are of great help to any teacher, they can even be used by pro-active students who are not limited to chance, the tools are: Google Drive, Google Books, Google Classroom, Flubaroo and Google Sites . They are very innovative google tools that allow you to take teaching beyond normal with creative ideas.

1.Google Drive

Google drive is a cloud service by google that is of great help to anyone, these allow you to share any file in real time with the person you want without many requirements or complications. You just have to upload a file and send a link. Best of all, your file will be available 24/7 without risk of being lost unless you want it. It is one of the best recommended google services to backup, share and receive files.

2. Google books

Google books or as its translation says “Google books” It allows us to read complete books in their free digital version, this is a very helpful tool since it gives access to classic books that serve as a reference for any reading or research that the educator is doing . Among the categories that stand out most of the books that google books has are: literature, philosophy, but also other areas of study. You can also get books from great authors like William Shakespeare, Aristotle and many others. The search for books can be done by the title of the work, name of the author or any keyword. Some of the books give the option to download.

3. Google Classroom

Google Classroom or «Google Classroom» It is a free google tool that is specially designed for NGOs and schools. Anyone who has access to it all they need is a personal Google account. Google Classroom facilitates communication between teachers and students, both inside and outside of school. It saves time and paper, as well as creating classes, distributing assignments, talking to other users, and keeping work organized with ease.

4. Flubaroo

Although Flubaroo is not a 100% google tool, it works in conjunction with google drive. Any teacher will love Flubaroo because it shortens the time to grade short answer and multiple choice exams, then the results are analyzed in a fully automated way. In addition to grading partials and quizzes, Flubaroo also calculates overall average grade or score, average score for each question, and highlights low scoring questions. It shows a distribution graph of the score obtained.

5. Google Sites

Google sites allows anyone to create without prior knowledge a website in a few steps, which can be used by students or teachers; they can share documents, images and videos there or any other resource they prefer. It can be added quickly and efficiently the content you want to share. Like all free services, it has its limitation, the website supports only a maximum of 100 MB in size and attachments of up to 20 MB each. If more space is needed on the site, you can use optional google services such as: Google Photos or YouTube.

Hdhub4u: Download Illegally released Bollywood, Hollywood Movies from Hdhub4u

0 is one kind of illegal movie website in India where one can able to download illegally released movies. Hdhub4u provides movies in various languages like Hindi, English, and other regional languages. While you search for Hdhub4u Punjabi Movie download 2020, you will get illegally released movies. Here now check out more about Hdhub4u movie free download.

What is Hdhub4u nit? 

Hdhub4u is one of the websites that release the illegally released movies like Hollywood, Bollywood, Kollywood, Mollywood, Tollywood, Punjabi, etc. this article provides you more information about Hdhub4u movie free download platform that releases the movies illegally.

hdhub4u is well known piracy website provides an extensive selection of Tamil and Telugu films to this is viewers for free.

There are more users from all over the world compared to one other website. You can get from the or fromHdhub4u Punjabi Movie download 2020 if you want any Punjabi movies. Furthermore, citizens of different nations can watch HD Telugu movies, and Hindi dubbed movies on the HDhub4u website.

What kind of movies does provide? provides illegally released movies under various sections like HD movies, Horror movies, 300 MB movies, South Indian movies, Web series, TV shows, Thrillers, all languages like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hdhub4u Punjabi Movie download 2020, Hindi, etc.

What are the Alternative websites for Hdhub4u?

As we have specified, there are ample illegal websites like to download the released movies illegally. In simple words, the below-mentioned websites release the movies that are released on theatres on the same day.



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Movie Counter





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How can the movies be downloaded from

HDhub4u is a website for movie piracy. It is very prevalent among people lately. If you also like to watch new movies, you can get the film from HDhub4u. Thousands and thousands of people watch movies on this website every day. You also have TV-serials, net sequences, and various packages available, aside from movies on this website. Downloading the illegally released movie is just simple if you follow the steps provided below.

Step 1- Go to the website of the Hdhub4u movie free download.

Step 2- with the help of a search option, find the name of the movie that you wanted to watch.

Step 3- Once you get the movie clock on that and you will be redirected to a new page where you can now download it.

Is using is illegal in India?

According to the Indian law, Websites like are prohibited; thus, if a person wanted to download the movie from any illegal website, they must use it along with the VPN or some proxy website like

What are the consequences while downloading the movies from the

Though downloading movies from these websites is illegal, Pirated contents are considered to be one of the big problems faced by digital media over the world. Thus as already mentioned, the movies can be downloaded only with the help of a VPN or some proxy websites.

Are there any complaints faced by 

According to the reports, until now, there is no criminal charge faced by the But surfing some websites like Hdhub4u Punjabi Movie download 2020 is considered as illegal.

Have authorities taken the motion to a website like for download movies?

On this, that runs illegally, the federal government has taken a range of steps. Nevertheless, once this website starts operating with a brand new place, it can not avoid leaking online, irrespective of the federal government’s strictest guidelines.

The Southern India film business can be very upset about this website because many of the Hdhub4u Punjabi Movie download 2020 are uploaded as soon as they are released.

What kind of movie ratios does the Hdhub4u provide?

While talking about the HDhub4u, you can get your favorite film in many sizes right here. You ‘re most common to obtain a movie in a small measurement if you’re using a cellphone because you are worried about your cellphone’s home. HDhub4u gives you multiple sizes on its web pages, therefore. In answer to your most common metric, you can probably get the latest video.

Let us notify you that every measurement on this website is provided as:

  • 300MB
  • 400MB
  • 600MB
  • 1GB
  • 2GB
  • 4GB

What are the different links for 

In addition to Bollywood, this kind of website has a wide selection of Hollywood movies. Through this sort of website, you can download films free of charge. The risk of viruses from websites like this is nevertheless higher on your computer. But you need not do that. You can easily get a Pirated Movie free of charge through this website and even watch Pirated Movie online for free.































Can I watch these movies legally?

Yes, there are some OTT Platforms like Netflix, Zee5, prime video, Hotstar, Voot, jio cinemas, etc., where these are known to be the legal websites where you can watch the movies legally without any difficulties.

Will I go to jail or be fined for downloading a movie illegally?

According to the piracy law in India, an individual is taken to court. If he/she is proven that he/she has knowingly infringed or helped someone else infringe and download a copyrighted movie from piracy websites, it would be considered a criminal act. Under the law, the punishment for a person being convicted for their first such offense is a jail term between six months and three years, with a fine anywhere between Rs.50,000 and Rs.200,000 (depending on the seriousness of the crime). We advise our users to avoid such illegal downloads of movies.

Filmyhit : Illegal Hindi HD Movies Filmyhit online Download website


Filmyhit 2020: Filmyhit is a website promotes piracy of content. Filmyhit provides many pirated movies and series to internet users. Filmyhit com is visited by many people all over the world for its content which is made illegal.  Filmyhit com online website is blocked in many parts of India to prevent online privacy. Filmyhit 2020 has many movies on its website.

What is Filmyhit 2020?

Filmyhit com is one of the pirated websites operating in the country that is easily available to access. Filmyhit online offers illegal website provides many pirated movies and series to internet users. Filmyhit online is visited by many people all over the world for its content that is made available illegally. Filmyhit on the website is blocked in many parts of India to prevent online privacy and to prevent participation in piracy. Filmyhit is a website publishing pirated movies, TV serials, web-series, OTT original web series, OTT original movies.
Bollywood, Hollywood, Hollywood dubbed, South Indian movies, OTT series, TV shows, Punjabi movies, animation movies, adult movies. Filmyhit online have pirated content

Any criminal charges faced by Filmyhit?

There are so far no records of any criminal proceedings related to this platform. But not only this website, but it’s also illegal to use websites such as Filmyhit to download pirated content.

Why citizens are using Filmyhit 2020?

No one has had enough time waiting for weeks and months to pass in this new world so they can enjoy their dream film. And every week over ten films are released, so everybody can’t spare the money and time to see each one of them in the theatre. Nowadays people want it easy, and you can find it on this website where you can download the movie even in high-quality HD in a few minutes. Sometime after the update, you can get the newly released movies.

What are the Movies Leaked by www filmyhit com?

Filmyhit in movies like Love Aaj Kal, Malang, Angrezi Medium is available to users on the website. The ill-famed website also has other recently released Bollywood movies online like Baaghi 3 and Thappad. Apart from Hindi movies, the website has also leaked South Indian movies like Darbar and Manmadhudu 2. Filmyhit has a global Alexa Rank of 745,710. filmy online website that provides details on the worth of websites, Filmyhit has an estimated worth of US$ 7,404.

What are the Sections in Filmy online?

Filmyhit com is one of the pirated websites operating in the country that is easily available to access. Different sections are listed below where there is a list of movies that are tabulated even before the movies hit the theatres.

  • Bollywood
  • Hollywood
  • Hollywood dubbed
  • South Indian movies
  • OTT series
  • TV shows
  • Punjabi movies
  • Animation movies
  • Adult movies

What are the Similar download sites of Filmyhit ninja?

These days, unlike the older days, have made people mad about modern life. They need to see everything quickly and experience it without expecting anything. The internet is accessible internationally and is free, and people are hooked to such websites. This is proven that the platform is viewed by about 3 million users in a day. filmyhit, filmyhit com, filmyhit online, filmy hit com, filmyhit in, www filmyhit com, filmyhit com 2019, filmyhit Punjabi movies, filmyhit ninja, filmyhit Punjabi movies 2019, Filmyhit Movie, Filmyhit Punjabi Movie download different extensions are used and a list of similar websites are listed below:

  • Moviesda
  • Djpunjab
  • Bolly4u
  • Todaypk
  • Filmywap
  • 9xmovies
  • Filmyzilla
  • Jio Rockers
  • Tamilyogi
  • Worldfree4u
  • 123movies
  • Isaimini
  • Filmy4wap
  • Mp4moviez
  • Movie Counter
  • Yts
  • Bollyshare
  • Madras Rockers
  • 7starhd
  • TamilGun
  • Downloadhub
  • Teluguwap
  • Kuttymovies
  • Movierulz
  • Khatrimaza
  • Tamilrockers

What is the estimated worth of Filmyhit Movie website?

According to, Filmyhit has an estimated worth of US$ 7,404. It is also estimated to make advertising revenues of US$ $8,640 annually through an estimated 605,160 visits per year that browse an estimated 2,977,200 pages per year. indicates that 1.4 pages on this Filmyhit site are browsed daily per user with daily time spent on the site being 1.13 minutes

Will I go to jail or be fined for downloading a movie illegally?

According to the piracy law in India, an individual is taken to the court and if he/she is proven that he/she has knowingly infringed or helped someone else infringe and download a copyrighted movie from piracy websites, then it would be considered to be a criminal act.  Under the law, the punishment for a person being convicted for their first such offense is a jail term between six months and three years, with a fine anywhere between Rs.50,000 and Rs.200,000 (depending on the seriousness of the offense). We advise our users from avoiding such illegal downloads of movies.

How to locate and download Flubaroo to Google Forms


How to locate and download Flubaroo to Google Forms

  1. Open the form you wish to add Flubaroo to.
  2. In the top right, click More
  3. Select Add-ons.
  4. Place the pointer over an add-on to see what it is. If you wish to see a full description simply click the add-on.
  5. To install the add-on, click Free.
  6. Click Allow to permit the download for specific add-ons (this is required for most add-ons).
Using Flubaroo

Step 1: How to Create an Assignment


  Open a new Google Form.

If you are using a Google Spreadsheet, you can add a secondary form by selecting Tools > Create a form from the menu:

If not, go into your Google Drive account and create a new Form directly by clicking on the red NEW button. Place your pointer over More and then click Google Forms:



Once this form is created, you can create questions that will be included in your assignment. It is recommended that you develop a way to identify each student (such as first name, last name, or student ID).
When you finish loading the questions, save the form.
Step 2: Making an Answer Key
Open up the form as a participant/student would. Complete the form with the correct answers and submit it. Mark this document in a way that it is identified as the answer key to distinguish it from student responses.

Step 3: Assigning the Form


  Place a link to the Form in an email, site, or word document that is shared with students. All responses will be displayed in the spreadsheet in your Google account:

Step 4: Grading the Submissions
  To find responses, click Responses at the top, and then click on the spreadsheet icon:

Flubaroo must be installed to complete grading.  Go to the Add-ons menu in the Spreadsheet, and click on Get Add-ons. Once you select this, the Add-Ons store will show you various add-ons for download and installation.

Type Flubaroo in the search box at the top. Select the blue +FREE button. You can also find the items listed in the Education category from the drop-down menu.

After you select this, you will be asked to give Flubaroo access to data in your spreadsheet. It will also ask for permission to send emails on your behalf to students. Click the Accept button.

The Add-ons menu will now display Flubaroo.

If you wish to grade submissions at this time, just select Grade Assignment.

Flubaroo will ask you questions like:

  • If any of the questions should not be graded.
  • Which questions are used for the purpose of student identification
  • (e.g. name, student id, email).
  • Which one of the submission (yours) should be used as the answer key.
Flubaroo will then quickly grade your assignments.



Step 5: Review the Grades


Flubaroo will give you several options after the completion of an assignment.
You can

  • Email each student his/her grades
  • Review a summary of responses
  • Regrade the assignment again (use this option if some students were not included in the first grading or you wish to omit a question that was frequently missed)

There are several options when preparing an email for students. You can include an answer key so students can review the correct answers. Instructors can also add a message to the student addressing specific items. The email will include his/her individual total score and performance on each question. The ability to email the students a report will only be available if you have added a question asking for an email address on the form.
View Report will show a summary of the grading. The report will include the distribution of grades as a histogram, and a choice to email yourself a copy of the report.



For years, I have been doing stopmotion in the classroom with my students. Back in 2016 I started with a first project for my students to learn Prehistory. The following year, I was encouraged to do Stopmotion in 2nd of ESO with Feudalism . And this year, with my 1st ESO, I have improved the project and I dared to do La Prehistoria again with Stopmotion, where I show you the experience of having done it in the classroom.

The students really enjoy Stopmotion projects. It is a technique of taking photos and ending up getting a video. It takes a lot of teamwork to be able to do it. The truth is that the experiences with stopmotion in the classroom have always been very good.

Direct from Instagram of How to make Stopmotion

From #claustrodeig they encouraged me to do a Live on Instagram last week. So it occurred to me that I could encourage teachers to learn how to make Stopmotion. So I made this live where I explain how to use the Stopmotion Studio application. It is the app that I use in class, since it is free and very complete.

So I have saved the live show, since after 24 hours it is lost, and I have published the recording on YouTube, so that you have it forever. In it, as you can see, I explain all the steps to create Stopmotion and how Stopmotion Studio is used. There is a function that some of you do not know and that is that we can leave the previous photo to be seen a little to be able to see better how to take the next photo.

In addition I also tell in the live how I do these projects with the students in the classroom and I resolve doubts that came to me in the live by the teachers who joined him. I feel the video vertically, but it is what there is with the Instagram platform hehe. I hope you like the video and it will help you bring Stopmotion to your classes tomorrow.

Stopmotion Studio a free app for Stopmotion

The best thing to do Stopmotion is to use a mobile device, from a computer it is very complicated, since you cannot position the camera to take the photos. In the video I show you the tripod that I use to make Stopmotion as well as recommendations on how to do it in the classroom.

Stopmotion Studio (with blue icon), is the free app, it has many functions, including recording audio to your videos. The good thing about this app is that it has pro options that you can buy separately, or buy the entire app by unlocking all the pro features, buying Stopmotion Studio Pro (with a pink icon). Do you dare to make Stopmotion? Have you already? I would love to see the results!

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