If you’ve been trying to come up with a successful marketing campaign for the last couple of months, you probably already know that content is king. Partnered with a solid strategy, valuable content can increase not just your engagement but your conversion rate, too.

Making engaging infographics can help you get ahead of the competition. To help make sure you nail your next design, find out what you should and shouldn’t do in making your copy.



To make sure you get your infographics right, here are some of the things you need to do:

Know your target audience.


Creating an infographic without knowing your target audience is like wasting money and time. Even if you publish the best infographics, you won’t be able to get the most out of them if they don’t reach the right people.

Consider doing your research first. You can use Google Analytics to find out more about your target customers. Looking at your social media analytics can help, too.

You can also conduct client interviews and market research. These can help determine if there are holes in the industry that your products or services can fill.

You can learn a lot from your competitors, too. Find out the groups of people they commonly sell to and you’ll learn who to target in your next campaign.

Get straight to the point.

An infographic can tell a big story even without the huge chunks of text. You can do that by using the right images and colors.

Venngage is one of the best tools that can help you tell your story. It has a huge collection of templates and high-quality images you can use for your campaign. Plus, its selection of fonts is good, too. Even beginners won’t have a hard time using it.

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Include credible and reliable data.

An infographic is more than just a visual representation of data. It’s also a way for you to tell your target audience important data points.

An effective infographic educates its targeted audience. And with that, you have to make sure that the data you include in your copy are well-researched. They need to come from reliable sources.

Surprise your audience.

In making an infographic, try to include some unusual information. It could be a new idea or a piece of data that can question your audience’s previous beliefs.

Putting an unexpected twist can increase your audience’s focus and alertness. It’ll make them want to hear more from you.

Write catchy headlines.

Your headline is the first thing your audience will see. Try to come up with a title that’ll hook your readers in an instant.

When writing your headline, make sure not to tell everything right away. It should leave your readers interested to know more.

In tailoring headlines, use a tone and style your audience will find relatable. As much as possible, use words they are already familiar with. Forget about complex words and stick with simpler ones.

To help you come up with the perfect title, it’s a good idea to write a list of different headlines first. And once you’ve picked one, don’t settle with it right away. Adjust your title before publishing.


Ensure an accurate and effective infographic design by avoiding the following:

Don’t use too many words.

Try to keep your infographic simple and direct to the point. Using too many words can make your audience bored and impatient. They will likely leave your design even before they get to the most important sections.

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Don’t pick ordinary charts.

If you want to make your audience notice you, try to aim for cool infographics. Forget about ordinary charts and graphs that look like any ordinary bar graphs or pie charts.

Try to be creative. The more unique your infographics are, the better.

Don’t rely on typography alone.

If you can represent your data visually, do it. Don’t just make your presentation all about numbers. You need to provide context to give more impact to your stories.

In general, numbers and data can incite curiosity as long as they are presented in the right way. And for that to happen, you need to provide context and tell the story. This can make readers wonder how they should perceive the numbers and texts provided.

Don’t settle for vague infographics.

Even if you’re targeting a specific group of people, don’t assume that everyone who sees your infographic can understand it.

For that reason, try to make your copy easy to understand even for those you aren’t targeting. Use less jargon and include more understandable terms.

Don’t let your copy market itself.

To make your infographic more effective, you have to stop letting it market itself. Like most copies used for content marketing, try to be proactive with yours.

Promote it on social media and your website. You can also post on different blogs. Consider using a variety of digital marketing tools to market it, too.